Our goal is to welcome all learners and remove any potential barriers for families joining our community. For this reason we operate on a rolling admissions process. Applying is as easy as:
Fill out our application
Schedule a meet and greet (TK-K) or a shadow visit (1st-8th grade)
*Acceptance decisions based on availability of space in class. Students will be placed on a wait list if there is no space available.

All Inclusive Tuition Model
In years prior, our tuition covered a portion of what it costs to educate each child. The rest was charged through various fees. With our new model, tuition encompasses more than just what happens in the classroom.
Tuition Assistance
It is our goal that a St. Martin's education is attainable for all. We encourage families to apply early for our tuition assistance program.
Tuition Assistance⏐Step by Step
With 20% of our families receiving tuition assistance and an average of $7,000 awarded, we strive to achieve our mission of making the difference of a St. Martin education available to all!
of families receive
tuition assistance
average amount of assistance awarded